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Extended Bonnet Bellows Stop Valve

Detailed description:Extended Bonnet Bellows Stop Valve


Extended Bonnet Bellows Stop Valve
Product Features
On the basis of the double sealing of the corrugated pipe stop valve, in order to protect the corrugated pipe from direct erosion of the medium, this product is derived. The corrugated pipe is protected in an extended valve cover, extending the service life of the corrugated pipe. It is suitable for severe environments, with huge pressure fluctuations and strong corrosive media. The material selection can also be a chlorine gas special valve.
Valves are mainly connected by flanges and can be processed into butt welding, socket and other connection methods. The welding material for the valve seat is 507Mo, and the thickness meets the standard. The hardness of the valve disc has been quenched, and the hardness is around 40.
The valve stem has an indication of the lifting position, making the valve switch status more intuitive.
Style show

Style display

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  • Address

    Liu'ao Village, Qiaoxia Town, Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province (Bode Drive)

  • Telephone


    technical support:Zhejiang Huayi Network Filing number:浙ICP备2023004629号  